Nov 12 - 13, 2005 Live Oak Photos
Texas Reptile Hospice and Sanctuary
I have finally posted photos on Flickr of the November 12 & 13, 2005 Hot Reptile Show held in Live Oak Texas just outside San Antonio. There were a lot of really beautiful reptiles there and other than just a few very large Rattlesnakes and a very large Gaboon Viper most of the other "hot" snakes were babies.
I hope everyone takes time to have a look at the photos and please let me know how they load, view etc on Flickr since this is the first time I've used Flickr. Also if you find any photo that I have incorrectly named the animal, please don't hesitate to let me know!
Also, while I have included the Texas Reptile Hospice and Sanctuary photos and one of their scanned business cards, I will shortly be creating a separate Flickr and post just for their site as it is very important for people to learn the beauty and benefits of living with reptiles. Check back for that often and please visit their webpage and donate for the sake of the animals. Remember, reptiles need love too! I thank you and so do all the staff at the hospice not to mention the animals!
Texas Reptile Hospice and Sanctuary