Animal Realm

A blog for all animal and reptile related posts, stories, jokes, photos.

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Trashing snakes and other reptiles

I just realized that this website has put snake-related ads at the top of my blog. Ordinarily I wouldn't have a problem with that except that the products are for "Snake Away" which states, "Safe for Humans & Animals. Protect Your Yard from Unwanted Visitors!" This might be true but what does it do to the snakes? Information on the ad says that it affects the snakes sensory perception. Is this safe for the animal? Are there lasting affects to the health and well-being of the animals? If anyone knows, please let me know.

Not all and in fact very few snakes are really dangerous. Snakes help rid us of the omnipresent large rodent population which, left unchecked would easily overflow and cause serious health risks. Not to mention the damage rodents do to food crops etc.

The other ad is for "Texas Rattlesnakes" which boasts, "Real Head and Tail Keychains Full Rattlesnakes." The sale of this sort of thing makes me sick. I do realize that rattlesnakes are highly venomous and should always be given a very wide berth, however there is still no real reason to exploit these animals in this way. It's sad and cruel.

I wish some of the important people of wildlife could see some of the garbage that is allowed in regard to snakes in this part of the USA. Maybe they could actually help get something done to stop this stuff from happening or at the very least, educate more people about snakes so that the desire to harm them is greatly lessoned.

One thing I know is that if people adamantly refuse to buy things like keychains bearing a rattlesnake head or tail dangling from it, then there won't be as much of a demand for that sort of garbage. That practice is a sad, sickening waste of a beautiful and fascinating animal. It's not only snakes that are in danger from exploitation, but alligators as well.

Last June I saw an ad in a local sale paper for a well known chain of sporting good stores. Right in the center of the ad there was a page that explained how to enter their "contest". The prize was a trip to hunt and kill your own alligator. Afterward,you could have your own custom cowboy boots made from the skin. I was sickened and appalled that *anyone* would host such a horrid thing!

I don't understand what the attraction is to destroy an animal. I see no glory or manliness associated with it either. With the exception of hunting for food. If it is really necessary, I have little problem with anyone hunting to feed themselves or their family. That however is quite a different matter. The sport of it just isn't in me.

Exploitation of reptiles and animals in general won't stop until people become more aware of what they are losing when those animals are finally extinct. Please, think before you buy animal-related products. Don't buy snake skin items or anything else that causes animals to suffer. It's a waste of a beautiful animal.


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